P2P Lending News

Get a quick overview of the latest news from the P2P lending industry

calendar icon21. July 2024  

Reinvest24 seeks investor input on SPV liquidation strategies

Reinvest24 is seeking investors' opinions on the best approach for liquidating SPVs. The platform is interested in understanding investors' views on an acceptable time frame, expectations for recovering 3rd party projects, and raising funds to cover legal fees.

calendar icon15. July 2024  

Exclusive benefits for premium investors: early access to new investments and reduced secondary market fee

Premium investors who invest more than €50,000 will gain early access to new investment opportunities before they are available to the public. Additionally, these investors will receive a 0.5% discount on Secondary Market trades, reducing the fee from 2% to 1.5%.

calendar icon15. July 2024  
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TWINO's lender in Vietnam defaulted with a €1.3M loss

TWINO's high-risk venture in collaboration with the VIA SMS Group in Vietnam is over. The company informed selected investors via email that the lender, Hoang Kim Nhat Company Ltd in Vietnam, is preparing for liquidation. TWINO announced that the currently outstanding debt to investors is at €2.7 M, out of which €600,000 should be returned to investors by the end of August 2024. Another €800,000 should be returned by the end of January 2026. Whether TWINO will recover the remaining €1.3 M of investors' funds is unclear.

calendar icon13. July 2024  
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July 2024 Performance Update Is Now Available!

We've released a new video showcasing the top-performing P2P lending platforms for July 2024. This video includes the latest news and insights that could affect your investments on these platforms.

calendar icon11. July 2024  

Esketit increases loan availability

Esketit has listed a new loan from Spanda Capital on the primary market with a 12% interest rate. Spanda Capital specializes in the Spanish non-performing lending industry. Additionally, the platform has increased the availability of EUR loans from Jordan and Liechtenstein. Investors can invest in these opportunities through the diversified automated strategy, which enhances their liquidity.

calendar icon10. July 2024  
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The company closed its office in Rotterdam

The platform announced that the office at Brielselaan 85 in Rotterdam is closed as of June 21. Customer support revealed that the company is facing financial difficulties. Investors can view updates only by registering on a dedicated website, the link for which is provided below.

calendar icon06. July 2024  
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P2P Portfolio Update | June 2024

Learn more about the recent changes in our P2P lending portfolio.

calendar icon05. July 2024  

New lender & fractional bonds

Mintos has introduced two new investment opportunities: Nera Capital, a UK-based lender offering corporate loans to law firms with expected returns of 14% and loan amounts ranging from £800 to £2,200, and new fractional bonds from Sun Finance, an online consumer financing platform, with an 11% coupon rate, monthly payments, and a 3-year maturity.

calendar icon04. July 2024  

IUVO launched a mobile app

IUVO launched a mobile app for its product iuvoSAFE.

calendar icon04. July 2024  

Review Update

We have added new information about Fintown's owners, risks, and currently available projects.