Nectaro Referral Code

Sign up with our link to get a 1% bonus


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New investors on Nectaro can earn a 1% cashback bonus on their investments made within the first 21 days of registration

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371 times


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Boost your investment portfolio by February 28, 2025, to earn cashback based on growth. For portfolios under €20,000, earn 1.5% cashback for growth between €1,000 and €4,999.99, 2% for €5,000 to €14,999.99, and 3% for growth over €15,000. Portfolios exceeding €20,000 receive enhanced rates: 2% for growth up to €4,999.99, 3% for €5,000 to €14,999.99, and 4% for growth above €15,000.


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Expires in

8 days

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Nectaro Referral Code

Nectaro offers an exclusive 1% cashback bonus on your investments when you sign up through our referral link. The bonus will be credited to your account within five business days after the 21-day bonus period, with a maximum cap of €1,000 per investor.

To claim your Nectaro bonus, simply register via our link—no referral code is needed, as Nectaro will automatically associate your registration with our website.

nectaro referral code

Nectaro is a regulated investment platform offering investments in loans from Moldova and Romania. Learn more about the current promotions on our P2P lending bonus page.

Ready to redeem your Nectaro bonus?

🏆 Nectaro Referral Code
🎁 Bonus for new investors: 1%
📱 Promo code: Not required
⌛ Bonus period: 21 days from registration
🤩 Exclusive Bonus: N/A


How to redeem the Nectaro promo code and get a bonus?

  1. First, you must register on Nectaro using a link from this page. This process usually takes a couple of minutes.
  2. After completing the KYC (know-your-client) form and verifying your email address, you can deposit money to your virtual Nectaro account.
  3. The transfer usually takes one or two business days.
  4. Invest in the available Notes to receive your bonus.

What Is Nectaro?

Nectaro is a regulated P2P lending marketplace from Latvia. The platform offers high-yielding investment opportunities in consumer loans from Moldova and Romania, backed by a buyback guarantee. Investors can earn between 12% and 13.5% interest per year. For a detailed overview of this platform, read our comprehensive Nectaro review.


Jakub Krejci




Jakub Krejci, the founder of P2P Empire, brings six years of expertise in navigating and investing across diverse P2P lending platforms. Drawing insights from over 50 interviews with industry CEOs and founders, Jakub offers a unique perspective in the peer-to-peer lending realm. Renowned for his high-quality reporting and regular updates, Jakub stands as a trusted authority for individuals navigating the dynamic P2P investment landscape.

Editorial Note: We earn a commission from partner links on P2P Empire. Commissions do not affect our editors' opinions or evaluations of products.


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Is Nectaro safe?

Nectaro is a regulated Latvian platform offering investments in consumer loans from Romania and Moldova, issued by its lending partner Ecofinance. Please note that all investments on Nectaro are subject to market risks.

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Should I use the Nectaro referral code?

To get a 1% bonus from your investment within 30 days from your registration on the platform, it's not required to type in the referral code. The bonus applies for all users who register with our unique link.

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I haven't received the bonus, what shall I do?

We update the bonus offers regularly but are not responsible for the bonus payout. If you believe you have met all the bonus requirements and didn't receive the bonus, you should contact Nectaro and clarify the situation.