Mintos Promo Code

As of March 2025 Mintos offers a €25 bonus for new investors


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Register using our link, invest at least €1,500 within 30 days, and receive a €25 bonus in your investor account.

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Mintos Promo Code

Sign up with our exclusive Mintos promo code to get up to a €25 bonus added to your account after you invest a minimum of €1,500 within 30 days.

Mintos Bonus

🏆 Mintos Invitation Code No code required
🎁 Bonus for new investors: €25
⌛ Bonus period: 30 days
💰 Bonus for loyal investors: N/A
💲 Investment Requirements: Invest a minimum of €1,500

Mintos Bonus for New Investors

Mintos re-launched its bonus campaign for new investors, which offers an additional bonus of €25 if you invest at least €1,500 during the campaign period.

Terms & Conditions

  1. Bonus: New investors can earn up to €25 starting from a minimum investment of €1,500.
  2. Campaign Period: until further notice.
  3. Who’s Eligible: New investors who register during the campaign period.
  4. Qualifying products: Loans, Bonds, ETFs, and Real Estate (Mintos Smart Cash is excluded).
Keen to invest in Mintos?

Mintos Quick Review

Mintos is undoubtedly the largest P2P marketplace in Europe. The investor base on Mintos is growing; however, due to the poor performance of Mintos’ lending companies in 2020, many investors have left the platform for other Mintos alternatives. If you are keen to invest on Mintos, you should conduct in-depth research about the lending companies and their lending practices and read our Mintos review.


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Do I need to insert a Mintos invitation code?

When registering on Mintos, the platform might ask you for a promo code. You must insert a valid promo code to redeem your bonuses.

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Do you guarantee that I will get the bonus?

We take our service extremely seriously, which is why P2P Empire is known for up-to-date information, including various bonus offers. We don’t guarantee any bonuses. However, we do our best to keep all the information up to date.

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What else should I be aware of?

Receiving a cashback bonus from P2P platforms is a great way to increase your returns, note, however, that P2P lending is a risky investment, and investors have already lost money on Mintos. You should always conduct your own diligence and do your own research before you start investing in P2P loans.